All Organic products are Certified Organic through OEFFA
Organic Einkorn Wheat
Einkorn wheat (triticum monococcum) is considered to be the oldest strain of wheat in existence, originally domesticated over 5,000 years ago in the mountains of Turkey. All modern varieties of wheat come from this ancient grain. Great for baking as well as salads and breakfast porridge. Higher in protein, carotenoids, and trace minerals thank modern wheat. Visit our blog for more details on einkorn and it’s value as a grain.
Open-Pollinated Corn
Corn (Zea mays) was originally a grass domesticated in what is now Mexico many thousands of years ago and many of these ancient strains still exist today. We grow a variety called Wapsie Valley, which is a dent corn (kernel has an indentation in it when mature). It’s yellow and maroon colors are very beautiful and make a great corn meal.
Organic Spelt
Spelt (triticum spelta) is another ancient grain that was domesticated nearly 5,000 years ago. Spelt is genetically similar to wheat and can be used in many different baking and cooking recipes just like wheat. High in protein and other minerals, it’s a healthy substitute for modern wheat.
Organic Produce
We will have a variety of fresh produce available for sale in our on-farm store starting in early May. Stay tuned for details on our farmer’s markets dates and hours. If you are a store or restaurant and are looking for wholesale prices, feel free to contact us.
Some of the varieties for 2018:
- Spinach
- Romaine lettuce
- Green/Red leaf lettuce
- bunching onions
- multicolored carrots
- beets
- heirloom tomatoes
- Bell and mini-sweet peppers
- Cucumbers
- Zucchini
- Basil, rosemary, thyme
- Raspberries
Pastured Beef
At VHF we have a small but growing herd of lowline angus beef. We also have the option of “pastured” or “grain finished”. “Grass fed” animals will have had non-organic grain after they were weaned until the spring pasture becomes available. From then on, they are grass-fed. “Grain finished” animals have the same life as “grass fed” except they are brought in near the end to finish their weight gain with grain supplementation. Quarters and halves become available in the fall and winter months. Contact us for more details.
We have on-farm credit card sales and are working on internet sales. Until then, check-in-the-mail is our only option. Email Jon Detweiler, for details.