We have hay and straw available for sale throughout the year for on-farm pickup in Dalton, OH and local delivery. Please contact Jon for inquiries and pickup/delivery options.
- (330) 7(four)9-6190 (the number 4 is spelled out in the phone number to limit spam calls)
- jon@ventureheritagefarm.com
Alfalfa Mix Hay:
- Small square, 2nd and 3rd cutting: $325/ton or $7.75/bale (currently out of stock)
- Large square, dry, 1st cutting: $160/ton or $60/bale (approx. 740# bales, 8’x3’x3′, mostly grass mix)
- Large square, dry, 2nd and 3rd cutting: $250/ton or $112/bale (approx. 900# bales, 8’x3’x3′, good alfalfa/grass/clover mix)
Organic Einkorn Wheat Straw:
- Small square: $200/ton (currently out of stock)
- Large square: $120/ton or $42/ bale (approx. 700# bales, 8’x3’x3′)
- Rounds: $120/ton or $36/bale (approx. 600# bales)